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File Menu


The file menu lets you open, close and save performances using the .mvp extension.

New (performance)
Lets you create a new performance with a name of your choice. If you have a performance loaded, MidiVid will warn you and give you the option of saving it before creating a new one.
Lets you choose and open a previously saved performance. If you have a performance already loaded, MidiVid will let you know and give you the option of saving it before loading another.
Lets you close the current performance and reset all MidiVid parameters.
Allows you to quickly save the current performance with it’s current name in it’s current saved location.
Save as
Allows you to save the current performance with the option of changing it’s name/location.
Bundle Project
Allows you to copy all the external files used by your current performance to a single location, making it easy to back up or move to a different machine. See the section on Bundling a Performance
Allows you to exit the program. if you have not saved recent changes to your performance, MidiVid will warn you and give you the option of saving before quiting

MidiVid GPU Version 1.0
Copyright (c) 2005 Jason Dorie and VUTAG
Generated on: Sun Jan 25 23:45:41 2009